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Artist Statement

         I have interests in mixed media, 2d digital art, but  a main focus on photography. In my art, I usually focus on color, balance, and contrast for highlighting and emphasis. This makes my ideas stand out using the power of imagery to create something visually appealing. In my photography, taking photos of nature is what I am most passionate about. Capturing close ups of plants and getting the fine details and various textures are amazing to me. I am constantly in awe of the supernatural beauty of natural elements and landscapes. I use light and various abstract angles in my photography until I find that moment when everything is perfect and it is time for me to take the shot.

         I created this specific project because I wanted to capture the vast amount of textures I encounter and I want to show others the variety of what they can feel sensually in this world. I don't feel like people are as immersed in the world as much as we used to be because of the new technologies. Everyone is constantly staring at screens and are not experiencing as much as before. I feel like this applies to kids the most because they should be exploring everything around them at a young age and today I feel like they are missing a little of that in their lives. This is why I want to capture these textures to communicate the importance of physical experiences.

         When creating art, I try experimenting with new techniques and things I haven’t thought of before. I have learned so many skills from different art forms and lots of these ideas I can combine with my own work, creating endless possibilities. I create because I enjoy doing it and seeing the end result. I add specific details to my work to relate to a specific theme. This makes me and hopefully my audience appreciate my work even more as they see the connections that tie my message with my art. I want my audience to feel happy when they see my work and be inspired by the elements of my photography flowing together to create a unified project. My viewers will relate to my message because stress and anxiety are things almost everyone shares to some extent and I feel my photography can help people relax and forget about that stress for a while. My audience is regular people that just enjoy nature and the simple things. I want all people to feel the mood and energy of my photography as they see it and let it relieve them for at least a moment.

         My art reflects life today because it reminds people of the natural world and all the resources and feelings it gives us whether through touch, sight, taste, or smell. My art relates to struggles that people have with anxiety or stress in their lives, maybe not entirely directly, but I hope to make them forget about it for a while when viewing my work. In my future work, I plan to try experimenting with new ideas and mediums working together to create something new and interesting in this changing world. My inspiration for my work is the world around me. I have always been fascinated by many things including media, music, movies, fashion, nature, theater, etc.. I am also inspired by artists, just regular people that are not famous, but still do beautiful, inspiring work. I am additionally inspired by my fellow artists around me that open me up to new ideas, directions, skills, technology, and materials. I love to create in all forms and I hope to continue creating exciting projects throughout my life. I will always have an artistic eye and constantly look for new ways to create. I do not only enjoy art and photography, there are many other things I love that I can incorporate into my work to make it more universal and more interesting for all kinds of people. Art is all around and a part of everything and I enjoy creating balance between an artistic design and a specific purpose that draws the community’s attention. I am able to think about the world’s issues and inspire people through the use of art because art makes people look and think in a deeper way. Art can be for anything whether it is changing the world or discovering myself. 

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